STOP HINDUDVESHA का हिंदी संस्करण जल्द आ रहा है।

1991: May – Rajiv Gandhi is killed in the middle of general elections. Congress wins the poll…

May – Rajiv Gandhi is killed in the middle of general elections. Congress wins the poll, with PV Narasinha Rao as the new PM. BJP comes to power in UP with Kalyan Singh as the chief minister.

Sept 18 – Rao government passes Places of Worship Act which freezes the statuses of all places of worship to their statuses on August 15, 1947 – irrespective of its history; the new law precludes any challenge in the courts.

October – Kalyan government acquires 2.77-acre land around the disputed site. The High Court allows the UP government to take control of the acquired land but stops it from raising any structure on it.

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