December 22-23: Murti of Ram Lalla appears inside the mosque after a week-long Ramayana Paath organized by Gauraksha Peeth chief Mahant Digvijay Nath. Muslims claims that the idol was placed there by Hindu leaders, Including Baba Abhiram Das of Hanumangarhi and Mahant Ram Chandra Das Paramhans.
PM Jawaharlal Nehru calls up the United Provinces (UP) chief minister GB Pant, asking him to get the idol removed. However, the concerned office, the Faizabad district magistrate KK Nayyar, refused to carry out the orders, replying that he himself would rather be removed.
Hashim Ansari files plea from the Muslim side.
Faizabad municipal board chairman Priya Dutt Ram is appointed receiver of the disputed campus. Magistrate M Singh orders that puja can be offered to the Murti with three priests.