Over the last 1200 years, Islamic barbarians have destroyed thousands of Hindu mandirs in India. Many apologists try to whitewash this brutal destruction of the Hindu religious and cultural symbols. Luckily for us, the invaders and their scribes left behind plenty of contemporary records, enabling scholars to piece together the sordid history of their brutal exploits.
We have launched a series of short articles to daylight this terrible destruction of Hindu mandirs. Each article will contain excerpts from the writings of a well-known Islamic scholar. The entire series is based on an article by Stephen Knapp. (https://www.stephen-knapp.com/islamic_destruction_of_hindu_temples.htm)
Islamic source used: Tarikh-i-Firuz by Sams Siraj Alif
(This writer became a courtier of Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq and undertook to complete the aforementioned history of Barani who had stopped in the sixth year of Firuz Shah’s reign.)
Muslim Ruler: Firuz Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388 CE)
Puri (Orissa):- “The Sultan left Banaras with the intention of pursuing the Rani of Jajnagar, who had fled to an island in the river…News was then brought that in the jungle were seven elephants, and one old shoe-elephant, which was very fierce. The Sultan resolved upon endeavoring to capture these elephants before continuing the pursuit of the Rai… After the hunt was over, the Sultan directed his attention to the Rai of Jajnagar and entering the palace where he dwelt he found many fine buildings. It is reported that inside the Rai’s fort, there was a stone idol that the infidels called Jagannath, and to which they paid their devotions. Sultan Firoz, in emulation of Mahmud Subuktign, having rooted up the idol, carried it away to Delhi where he placed it in an ignominious position.”
Nagarkot Kangra(Himachal Pradesh):- “..Sultan Muhammed Shah bin Tughlaq and Sultan Firuz Shah Tughlaq were sovereigns especially chosen by Almighty from among the faithful, and in the whole course of their reigns, wherever they took an idol temple they broke and destroyed it.”
Delhi:- “A report was brought to the Sultan that there was in Delhi an old Brahmin who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house; and that people of the city, both Musalmans, and Hindus, used to resort to his house to worship the idol. The Brahmin had constructed a wooden tablet that was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objects. An order was accordingly given that the Brahmin, with his tablet, should be brought into the presence of the Sultan at Firozabad. The judges and doctors and elders and lawyers were summoned, and the case of the Brahmin was submitted for their opinion. Their reply was that the provisions of the Law were clear: the Brahmin must either become a Musalman or be burned. The true faith was declared to the Brahmin, and the right course was pointed out, but he refused to accept it. Orders were given for raising a pile of faggots before the door of the darbar (court). The Brahmin was tied hand and foot and cast into it; the tablet was thrown on top and the pile was lighted. The writer of this book was present at the darbar and witnessed the execution. The tablet of the Brahmin was lighted in two places, at his head, and at his feet; the wood was dry and the fire first reached his feet and drew him a cry, but the flames quickly enveloped his head and consumed him. Behold the Sultan’s strict adherence to law and rectitude, how he would not deviate in the least from its decrees!”
Islamic source used: Futuhat-i-Firuz Shahi by Firuz Tuglaq himself
This ruler had the eight chapters of his work inscribed on slabs of stone which were fixed on eight sides of the octagonal dome of a building near the Jami Masjid at Firuzabad.
Prayers of Temple-destroyers in this Book:- “The next matter which by God’s help I accomplished, was the repetition of names and titles of former sovereigns which had been omitted from the prayers of Sabbaths and Feasts. The names of those sovereigns of Islam, under whose happy fortune and favor infidel countries had been conquered, whose banners had waved over many a land, under whom idol temples had been demolished, and mosques and pulpits built and exalted…”
Delhi:- “The Hindus and idol-worshippers had agreed to pay the money for toleration (zar-i zimmiya) and had consented to the poll-tax(jiziya) in return for which they and their families enjoyed security. These people now erected new idol temples in the city and the environs in opposition to the law of the Prophet which declares that such temples are not to be tolerated. Under divine guidance, I destroyed these edifices and I killed those leaders of infidelity who seduced others into error, and the lower orders I subjected to stripes and chastisement until this abuse was entirely abolished. The following is an instance: In the village of Maluh, there is a tank that they call Kund (tank). Here they had built idol temples and on certain days the Hindus were accustomed to proceeding thither on horseback and wearing arms. Their women and children also went out in palanquins and carts. Then they assembled in thousands and performed idol worship. …when intelligence of this came to my ears my religious feelings prompted me at once to put a stop to this scandal and offense to the religion of Islam. On the day of the assembly, I went there in person and I ordered that the leaders of these people and the promoters of these abominations should be put to death. I destroyed their idol temples and instead thereof raised mosques.”
Gohana (Haryana) :- “Some Hindus had erected a new idol temple in the village of Gohana and the idolators used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me. I ordered that the perverse conduct of the leaders of this wickedness should be publicly proclaimed and that they should be put to death before the gate of the palace. I also ordered that the infidel books, the idols, and the vessels used in their worship, which had been taken with idols, should all be publicly burnt. The others were restrained by threats and punishments, as a warning to all men, that no zimmi could follow such wicked practices in a Muslim country.”