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1855-1859: British resident Major James Outram reports about a recurrent conflict between Hindus and Muslims…

British resident Major James Outram reports about a recurrent conflict between Hindus and Muslims over the disputed structure.

On November 30, 1858, a police report is filed by Mohd. Salim against a group of Nihang Sikhs for conducting rituals inside the Babri Masjid. Sheetal Dubey, the station house officer of Avadh, wrote in his report: “Mr. Nihang Singh Faqir Khalsa, a resident of Panjab, organized Havan and Puja of Guru Gobind Singh and erected a symbol of Sri Bhagwan, within the premises of the Masjid.”

In 1859, the ongoing dispute and riots led to the British building a seven-foot-high wall to separate the places of worship for Hindus and Muslims, giving the inner court to Muslims and the outer court to Hindus.

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